fredag 12 december 2008

Preventive presence as a method

Protective accompaniment
17 December 14.00-16.00 Biografen Zita, Birger Jarlsgatan 37
Please pass on information to interested people!

International accompaniment is a useful tool that helps prevent violence againstsocial activists, human rights defenders and civilian population. Accompanimentis carried out in conflict areas and among armed actors. This seminar provides anopportunity to learn and discuss the possibilities and challenges linked to accompanimentand how it can be applied in different conflict scenarios.

LUIS ENRIQUE EGUREN (Spain 1962), physician and expert in internationalaccompaniment and protection, is the Co-director of the Research and Training Unitof Protection International in Brussels. Consultant, trainer and researcher, he hasworked in different countries and published several articles and books on the topicsof accompaniment and protection.

Entry is free. Coffee and a snack is served from 13.30. If possible tell us in advance thatyou are coming by e-mailing Welcome!
Seminariet arrangeras av SEAPPI och Kristna Fredsrörelsen

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